Sunday, February 26, 2012

Super Sunday!

If you haven't already figured it out....the theme in my classroom is "We are Superkids!" (I know it was a difficult one to guess. ;)).

Because my classroom is stocked full of "super" themed items. I thought it would be fun to share some of them with all of you. Thus- welcome to the first "Super Sunday". Each Sunday, from here on out, I intend to share something "super" themed in my classroom that I hope you can possibly use or tweak to use in your own!

I am starting off with one of my very favorite "super" activities!

This is our "Superkid of the Week" bulletin board. (Don't mind the fact that everything is bare. This is from the very beginning of the school year!)

At the beginning of the year, I present a poster introducing myself to my students as the "Super Teacher" and I read them my favorite story. That day I share with them that they will each have a week to present to the class and read their favorite book as well so that we can learn more about one another. A schedule is sent home to parents so that they are aware of when their students' scheduled week will be along with a brief explanation of the activity.

Then on the Friday, before the students scheduled week, I send them home with a posterboard as well as the sheet below outlining the project responsibilities. Click on the image to download the activity sheet in English and Spanish.

Border by "Graphics by the Pond" and clipart by Scrappin Doodles.

After presenting their poster and reading their story (they can make the choice if they would like to read it or if they would prefer that I do), the class has an opportunity to ask the student questions. As time has gone on my students have come up with some really creative questions! This past week one of them asked "What is your favorite cognate?" (For those that don't know, a cognate is a word that sounds similar and has a similar meaning in two languages.) Love that they are including content vocab in their questions!

After presenting, the students poster is displayed on our bulletin board for the rest of the week for the students to review. And that's "Superkid of the Week"!

Do you do something similiar to "Superkid of the Week" in your classroom? I would love to hear your ideas as well!


  1. That "What is your favorite cognate?" question made me swoon! :) When I married into the last name "Grover", I integrated a lot of SuperGrover into my room. I gave away Super Grover tickets throughout the day for good behavior and good thinking. At the end of the week, I would draw several tickets for students to select a treat from the treasure box. It was an easy way to encourage positive behaviors AND teach some probability!

    1. Love the idea, Candis, and I also like how you tied it into the curriculum. As a dual teacher, as I am sure you know, I am always searching for ways to tie everything together as there is never enough time in the day!

  2. I do something very similar in my classroom. However, after the student is done presenting and the students are done asking questions, each student completes an acrostic poem of the "Star of the Week's" name. Then, they draw a picture of themselves with the "Star" on the back. At the end of the week, I take all of the pages and make it into a "Star of the Week" book for the "Star" to take home.

    1. That is precious Megan- love the book idea! I have seen some of my colleagues make books to send home with the students as well, but including the poem tie in is great! Thanks for the comment :)

  3. Hi Krista,

    Like I said in another comment, I Love the Super Theme idea you're using....I haven't used a Super Star of the Week for my students, but I have used a Super Readers Award for the month....each student logs all the books they've read in my class, in their regular class, and at home. The super reader is whoever reads at least 5 books a month- they also have to share their favorite for the month. I would like to expand on it- so maybe use your Super Theme to display their achievements....

  4. I am a first year teacher and am using a superhero theme in my room. I love the super kid poster! I will definitely be using it :)
