Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dual Classroom Setup

As part of my new position this year as the Dual Language Coach in our building, I will be working to provide professional development opportunities to our dual language staff, particularly the newbies we have this year!

While our school year does not officially begin until August 28th (I know...seems late compared to many of you!), I am working in conjunction with our district ELL/Bilingual Coordinator to develop some presentations and host some meetings for the new staff to help them get prepared for a successful year ahead of time.

Tomorrow these new dual staff members were invited to come in for a "Classroom Setup" session with both of us. We are going to work to provide them with ideas via a presentation we have put together first, and then give them time to work in their rooms and support them along the way. 

While this presentation is geared specifically toward dual rooms in our district there are a variety of ideas that would be beneficial to have in all classrooms particularly if you are a new teacher just starting out.

Thought I'd share what we put together with you all just in case you thought it may be useful for you! Gives ya a lot to think about in prep for the school year!


  1. I loved all the word walls - they are so important in a dual language classroom! It reminded me that I need to do more of them -- I just need to find a space: I have a sound wall, English word wall, bridging posters, ELA wall...need to do a antonym, synonym, and homophone walls. Also, we started a cognate wall, but didn't keep up with it last year (there are so many!).

    Thanks for sharing this!

    Bitty Bilinguals

    1. Finding space is always the fun part! I know w my class this year we just added cognates to our cognate wall during our bridging time. That helped to eliminate the constant desire for them to add one. I would just tell them to jot it down and share it w us at that time!

  2. Great PPT - love it. Do you mind if I share this on my Facebook page with link to your page? I really-REALLY like the 'bridging' wall and the cognate wall.

    1. Of course you can share it! I am glad you found it helpful Kelly!

  3. Very nice presentation. Do you coach any bilingual special ed? I am super tight for space, and I have students grades k-5. We are working on everything from learning our letters to comprehension skills. So I've got a lot of different stuff going on with my literacy depending on who is with me for that time period.

    1. I have worked with a few bilingual special education colleagues in the past, and I know you have it tough with space and all of the grade levels and students of various backgrounds you work with! Have you ever thought of potentially using presentation foldables or something similar that you could store and then take out for each of your groups with your limited wall space. Also, I am sure you already have them, but any types of pull out drawers and carts where you can keep and organize supplies are key :)!
