Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Parent-Teacher Conference Resources

This week our building is hosting parent-teacher conferences. To help prep our new staff members we hosted a professional development session on Monday morning in which resources were shared to help them in planning for this big event!

Planning for conferences, in my opinion is the most time consuming and difficult part! The following few items are a sample of what was given to our new staff to help with this process...hopefully they will be useful for you too!

One of the items shared was this little ditty that can be sent home with students a few days before conferences for parents to fill out and return. This info. sheet is great as it gives you insight as to how the parents are feeling about their child's school year thus far, as well as alerts you to any talking points that they may be interested in touching on ahead of time.


You can snag this handout in English/Spanish here.

At the end of our session, staff were given this planning reflection sheet that has a variety of questions to ponder in working to organize oneself for conferences.  It gets you thinking about organizing your student information and space, what you plan to send home with parents as well as how you intend to followup post-conferences!

Grab a copy for yourself or another colleague here!

Here are also some links to other resources I have come across in the past few days that I found helpful for planning created by all of you!

"123 Parent Conference with Me" - A handout for organizing student information including areas of strength/weakness created by Kinder Learning Garden.

"Parent-Teacher Conference Report" - This is another great handout created by Sprinkles to Kindergarten! for organizing student information and also includes checklists for work habits and attitudes. 

"Building Skills at Home - Parent Handouts" - These are an awesome resource to pass out to parents from Primary Junction to give them ideas of how they can be assisting their child at home in the various subject areas! While it is only in English, you could most def. pull a few of the points and translate them as needed as well!

"Student Self-Reflection" - These handouts by Lesson Plan SOS could be used pre-report card or conference time to get students to do some reflecting on their own learning! 

If you have any more bright conference planning ideas, activities, or handouts, feel free to share below so that I can keep adding to my list!


  1. Love all the resources you post for new teachers!

  2. Love all the resources you post for new teachers!
